Oral Cancer Screening
Oral cancer screening is the physical and visual examination of the patient’s oral cavity and connected tissues.
Visual Exam
The dentist will check all major areas of the mouth and face. He or she will look for asymmetries, bumps, swellings, ulcerations, patches of color and other abnormalities.
Physical Exam
The dentist will touch the cheeks, jaw area, under the chin, throat area and the head to feel for unusual masses or nodules.
If an abnormality is discovered during the examination, the dentist will refer the patient for further tests. Results that necessitate further investigation do not necessarily mean cancer. And even if it is cancer, catching the disease and treating it in its early stages can be life-saving.
If you are a high risk for oral cancer or it’s been years since you’ve had oral cancer screening, schedule for an appointment today.
Ready to book
an appointment?
Call Us: 778-433-1888
Cadboro Bay Dental
3849 B Cadboro Bay Road.
Victoria, BC. V8N 4G3
Monday - 8am to 4pm
Tuesday - 8am to 4pm
Wednesday - 8am to 8pm
Thursday - 8am to 4pm
Friday - 8am to 4pm
Saturday - 8am to 2pm
Closed Sunday
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